Capacity: 350,000gpd
Governing Agency: ADEQ
Special Equipment:
· Circular Clarifier
· Fine Influent Screen
Owner: City of San Manuel, AZ
Development Type: Municipal
San Manuel
San Manuel, AZ
The Town of San Manuel is located in the heart of the Galiuro Mountains. At the time when Santec Corporation was contacted, the majority of the sewer infrastructure for the town was over fifty years old. The new utility hired Santec Corporation to design and build a modern water reclamation facility that meets the current standards for wastewater reuse.
The Original wastewater treatment plant was constructed in 1953 and consisted of primary treatment followed by treatment of the wastewater in oxidation ponds. A seamless transition during construction was provided by Santec's providing staff to operate the existing facility. Because the original facility was permitted as part of the mining operation, a new Aquifer Protection Permit was required. In the Design of the New Facility, Santec focused on three key elements during the design phase of the project; 1) Class B+ reclaimed water quality standards for effluent, 2) Minimization of operating expenses and 3) Maximize value of expenditures.